Santa Clara Law Professor Anna Han announced the publication by Westlaw of her new casebook entitled: ‘Doing Business in China: Problems, Cases and Materials", co-authored with Daniel Chow. Prof. Han’s casebook is the first of its kind designed specifically to instruct law and business students in the current business environment in China and today’s hot-button legal issues impacting US-China trade relations including currency exchange rates, trade deficits and the protection of intellectual property rights. Prof. Han also includes a review of China’s recent political history and the rise of its legal system. The book takes a comprehensive approach to doing business in China and covers the legal system, forms of investment, IP, mergers and acquisitions, real property, labor and employment as well as dispute resolution. There is also an extensive statutory supplement that includes many laws and regulations translated and a teacher’s manual.

Professor Han has been teaching "Chinese Trade & Investment Law" at Santa Clara Law for 22 years, which prompted her to develop her class materials into a casebook for use by law and business professors around the country.

"My co-author and I decided to write mostly original material for this casebook. We created many problems in each chapter so the students can apply the laws and regulations to fact patterns faced by attorneys and executives. We wanted the students to deal with real issues faced by companies doing business in China. It was quite a challenge to write a "case book" for a country which does not systematically publish cases. We took pains to translate several cases which were applicable to the issues covered in the book even though China is a civil law jurisdiction. The reaction by colleagues who teach in this area has been quiet enthusiastic," stated Prof. Han.

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