To help you prepare for registration, we have compiled a spreadsheet of all high tech law courses being offered this fall. View the spreadsheet. The courses listed on this spreadsheet qualify for the high tech law certificate and (in some cases) the various specializations. View the certificate requirements if you are interested in earning a high tech law certificate.

Our Course Frequency document will provide you with an anticipated offering schedule for certain high tech law courses. Finally, we created a guide called "Navigating the High Tech Curriculum" to help you customize your education for different possible high tech practices.

If you are interested in individual course advising, please contact Joy Baker Peacock, the HTLI’s Assistant Director, at to schedule an appointment. If you have questions regarding the high tech law certificate, please contact Dorice Kunis at or 408-551-1868.

Some additional tips for selecting courses:

  • we strongly encourage 2Ls pursuing an IP career or the high tech law certificate to take the IP Survey course in Fall semester so that they have the maximum number of opportunities to take upper division IP elective courses that require the IP Survey course as a prerequisite.
  • Profs. Ochoa and Goldman will use the same grading curve for their IP Survey sections, so there’s no grading-based reason to prefer one section over the other.
  • the Fall 2012 patents course, offered by our newly hired IP professor Brian Love, is primarily intended to serve 3Ls and 4Ls who took the IP Survey course in a previous year. 2Ls eager to take Patents should plan on taking it in Spring 2013.
  • students looking to write a paper next year (either a comment to submit to the Computer & High Technology Law Journal or to fulfill the SAWR) should consider taking the IP Theory course in Fall 2012. IP Theory complements the IP Survey course by looking more closely at the "why" of IP law (in contrast, the IP Survey covers the "what" of IP law). The ALR in IP is another course that could help students working on a paper during Fall semester.