The High Tech Law Institute of Santa Clara Law welcomes Federal Trade Commissioner Julie Brill to three separate events on September 19 and 20, in San Francisco and on the Santa Clara University campus.


Commissioner Brill is visiting the West Coast to engage developers, startups, and consumers for input on the issues that the Federal Trade Commission is addressing in the near and long term. Come and ask questions and provide feedback on the issues that Commissioner Brill is working on, including: consumer privacy (kids, mobile, financial), advertising rules, financial fraud & ID theft, facial recognition, cybersecurity and more. The San Francisco event will complement the State of the Net West technology town hall meeting with Commissioner Brill at Santa Clara Law School on Thursday morning [more details]. The lunchtime event in Santa Clara on September 20th is a student oriented event, but is also open to the public.

The FTC is the leading U.S. agency dealing with online privacy, security and consumer protection. Recently the FTC entered into privacy consent orders with Google, Facebook and Twitter. Just last month the FTC assessed a record fine against Google for alleged privacy violations. Facebook recently settled charges with the Commission over its privacy policy. Just this year the FTC called for legislation to regulate data brokers in its "Report on Protecting Consumer Privacy." The FTC is actively working on privacy in the mobile space and so-called "Do Not Track" browser implementations. In addition, it recently proposed new privacy rules for children.

September 19th in San Francisco

State of the Net West, Technology Town Hall
Wednesday, September 19 at 4:00 pm
Hattery Labs, 414 Brannan Street, San Francisco
Light refreshments will be served following

To Register: email and let us know if you plan to attend. The event is complimentary, but registration is requested.

September 20th at 9:15 a.m. at Santa Clara University

State of the Net West, Technology Town Hall
Thursday, September 20 at 9:15 (registration open at 8:45)
Santa Clara University, Williman Room, Benson Center
500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA
Continental breakfast will be served

To Register:
The event is complimentary, but registration is required

September 20th at 12:00 pm at Santa Clara University School of Law

“A Conversation with FTC Commissioner Julie Brill, an Introduction to the Agency and Its Privacy Initiatives.”
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Santa Clara Law, Bannan Hall, Room 127
12:00 to 1:00
Lunch will be provided, no registration necessary
This event is co-sponsored by SIPLA, The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics and The High Tech Law Institute. Students welcome. Complimentary.

These events are presented as part of the State of the Net West sponsored collaboratively by the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee and the High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University Law School. The events on September 20th are also co-sponsored by the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.