We’re excited for our big conference tomorrow, Solutions to the Software Patent Problem.

We’re pleased to announce that we will be streaming the event for those of you who can’t join us in person. Go to http://ammsweb.scu.edu/webcasts/mobile2/Solutions_Software_Patent_Problem/index.htm Streaming viewers can participate in the conversation by emailing their questions to HTLI.SCU@gmail.com or tweeting questions to @SCUHTLI (we’ll also take questions using the #htli hashtag). We can’t promise we’ll get to all of the submitted questions, but we’ll treat them equally to questions from the in-person audience. In addition, streaming viewers can participate in our online polls.

The stream will run the entire day of the conference (8:50 am to 5:30 pm Pacific time). However, in accordance with his wishes, we will not be streaming Richard Stallman’s presentation (roughly 9 am to 9:20 am Pacific). We plan to video-record the day’s proceedings and post the recordings in a few weeks.