Popular Culture Assn/American Culture Assn 2013 National Conference

March 27-30, 2013
Wardman Park Marriott
Washington, D.C.

Call for Papers—Law and Popular Culture Area

The Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association is seeking paper or panel discussion proposals examining the law and the legal profession wherever we find it in popular culture:

Possible topics include (although we’re open to any others you might want to explore) the law and/or the legal profession in/and/of:

• recording and distribution of live musical performances (i.e., bootleg recordings) —we’re particularly interested in this topic as a panel discussion
• the internet
• copyright/trademark
• perception of/reaction to the profession in popular culture
• courtroom humor
• pedagogy
• popular cultural history
• media and advertising
• film, literature, television…
• political discourse
• the classics (e.g., Bleak House)
• social justice and/or law as a means or agent of social change
• religion
• consumer culture
• globalization
• censorship
• music and/or the visual arts
• cultural boundary crossing
• race and ethnicity
• graphic novels and comics
• gender

Please send abstracts and a brief CV in a .doc or .pdf format by December 7, 2012 to the Area Chair (final panel submissions will be due December 22, 2012):

Robert J. Harker, Esq.
Attorney/Mediator/Musician in Carrollton, Georgia