Hi Everyone,

To better accommodate the 1L class, as their Laraw final is due this Friday, the SBA has decided to reschedule the Talent Show for the following Saturday, April 27. (This will give our 1L acts time to rehearse.) We sincerely apologize for the late notice and any inconvenience.

The show will be held at the same time (Curtain at 7:00PM), and in the same location (California Mission Room – Benson Basement). Note there will still be about 8 days between the show and the first final, so this will be a nice last hoorah before crunchtime! (Flyer at the bottom of this message)

We would like to emphasize the following:

* 1st place prize, i.e. best act, is a FREE BarBri Bar Course (roughly $4,000 value), as well as prizes for second and third. There will be impartial judges.

* We’re accepting all kinds of acts (e.g., magic, dancing, singing, etc. anything that you want to do to show off some talent).

* We’ll have free appetizers and there will be a cash bar serving beer wine and non-alcoholic beverages.

* We have space for more acts! Contact cglass@scu.edu or kevintsong@gmail.com if interested in joining the show!

Thank you all for your attention, and we truly hope to see you at the show next Saturday, the 27th.

Sincere regards,

Your SBA