Legal Analysis

Class Information Spring 2018

  • 3 units
  • Class No.: 66239
  • Meets: Mon & Wed
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
  • Location: 241
  • Exam:
  • Course Description

Liza-Jane Capatos

Assistant Director, Office of Academic & Bar Success and Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Legal Analysis

Course Description:

This course is designed to build a mastery of essay exam writing relevant to both law school and the bar. In a small section environment, the course will focus on improving the learning and application of the law as well as writing under timed conditions.   The professor will directly supervise regular writing assignments. This course is reserved for second year students in the Program of Directed Study, non-Directed Study students may enroll in this course by petition.

Class Notes:

Limited enrollment. Contact Professor Kinyon for enrollment information. Students taking this class must also be enrolled in Evidence with Gilllingham this semester.