Richard Weyrich

Richard Weyrich ’16, Consumer Law student at the Alexander Community Law Center

Ms. W came to the Center complaining she was misled about the cost of financing items purchased from a door-to-door salesman. Recent graduate Richard Weyrich filed suit against the company for violations of Federal and California consumer protections statutes. The defendant company is notorious for selling overpriced merchandise to Spanish-speaking immigrants. Richard negotiated a favorable settlement for Ms. W. in which she retained the merchandise, received a full refund and also recovered statutory damages and attorneys’ fees.

Richard reflected on his experience:

“This case is a perfect example of what students accomplish at the Alexander Community Law Center. Not only did I have the privilege of assisting someone in economic need, but I also had the opportunity to act as the lead attorney on Ms. W’s case. While in other law school activities students have the ability to assist, at the Law Center I was the one who wrote the complaint; I was the one who wrote and responded to formal discovery requests; and I was the one who conducted all negotiations with opposing counsel. This is consistent with my other cases, which allowed me to make court appearances, depose witnesses, and hold formal settlement conferences with third-party neutrals. The experience was invaluable in pursuing my professional goals. I cannot recommend the Alexander Community Law Center enough to students, especially those wishing to obtain litigation experience.”

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